5 Reasons Telehealth Is Now More Important Than Ever

Before the Covid-19 pandemic, the use of Telehealth was limited to a few clinics and healthcare facilities in the country. It was considered something for premium hospitals. But the pandemic brought about uncertainty with its social distancing protocols. The focus was on how critical services including healthcare could be offered on a digital scale. It came to healthcare to save the day.

The use of Telehealth comes with several benefits and advantages. You no longer have to suffer through crazy traffic to get your appointment, critical patients are able to receive care, and you no longer have to pay a healthcare marketing agency crazy fees to market your services.

That said, here are five reasons why Telehealth is now more important than ever:

The embrace of technology

Society has come to terms with the use of technology in almost every sector of our lives. It started with the work-from-home situation and has now been propelled to the use of technology and digital platforms in hospitals.

The use of technology can still be used to treat patients. Patients will get in touch with their doctors and describe their illness or the progress of treatment. The only reason patients will have to go and see a doctor physically is if they need a physical examination. To make their experience smooth, you’ll have to equip your clinic with all the necessary stuff, and in this case, the website here will come in handy.

The ease of regulatory barriers

Reference can be made to legislation passed in Congress in early 2020 when the first cases of Covid-19 were detected. To reduce the spread of diseases, the government encouraged the use of Telehealth for doctors and other professionals to offer medical services. Learn more recommended measures on the website.

Telehealth can now be offered to any patient and any location. In addition, Telehealth services can only be offered to an established patient, to be specific, one who has been a regular patient for at least three years.

Improved return

Previously, there were no reimbursements to clinics if they offered Telehealth services to a patient. They were only compensated by insurance companies for in-office services. Who would have wanted to have Telehealth services at such a time? This however has changed.

Doctors are now being reimbursed at the same rate as in-office visits. This has been an incentive for medical facilities to put in place Telehealth services.

Perfect for specialty services

With the use of Telehealth, it is now possible for specialist doctors such as cardiologists to virtually visit their patients and check on them. Through the use of smart devices and features, they are also able to monitor the instruments.

This has proved ideal, considering the number of specialist doctors and the patients who require such services.

The sky is the limit

With the use of technology, the potential of Telehealth cannot be measured. Some have even compared this to the foundation necessary for a brighter and better future. We could see the use of holograms and other visual aids to assist in the diagnosis and treatment of patients in the future.


More and more patients are open to the use of Telehealth services more eagerly than before. Since the quality of care and service is more or less the same, patients are also willing to shift from their current doctors or medical facility to another that has such service.

To get advice on the best Telehealth service for your clinic, get in touch with us today.