Tag: Regression


Data Mining techniques you must learn to Succeed in Business?

What is data mining? In this day and age, data is considered as currency. Business requires data, also Governments, and other institutions to make the right decisions at the right time. Now information is available abundantly. In large quantities, so you need to extract that data, which is useful for your decision making from that which is not, also you need to develop a relationship between data to make a logical solution. To do that, you need to learn data mining techniques. Data mining techniques are processes to identify patterns in large sets of data. It is a multi-disciplinary skill that uses learning, statistics, Artificial Intelligence, and database technology. The results derived from this process helps in implementing marketing, understanding customers, and fraud detection. Data mining techniques To be successful in business, you must need to learn the following data mining techniques: Tracking patterns One of the underlying data mining technique is identifying patterns in data sets. It is the recognition of the data which is repeated in the data sets at regular intervals. Classification It is considered one of the most basic techniques of data mining. In this analysis technique, you collect data and meta-data and classify that data into different categories and types. These categories or classes…